

Components of agrometeorological stations

时间:2022-06-08 21:57:24 浏览量:375

    NiuBoL weather station is a multi-element automatic observation station developed and produced according to the international meteorological WMO meteorological observation standards. It can monitor air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, noise, pm2.5, pm10 and other conventional meteorological elements, with automatic recording, over-limit alarm and data communication and other functions.

The components of an agricultural weather station generally have five parts.

    The components of agricultural weather station are: weather sensor part, weather station bracket part, collector and transmission module part, solar panel and battery part, and background computer end, next, we will give you a detailed introduction to these parts.

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    Sensor part: the main role of the sensor part is to monitor the weather elements information, can monitor wind speed, wind direction, PM2.5, light, carbon dioxide, air pressure, rainfall, air temperature, air humidity, rain and snow and other factors, can be selected according to demand.

    Weather station bracket part: the main role of weather station bracket part is to place sensors, collectors and transmission modules, and solar electric panels.

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    Collector and transmission module part: The main role of the collector and transmission module is for the collection and transmission of meteorological elements data. The main role of the collector is to collect the meteorological elements, and then transmit them to the backend computer via wireless transmission.

    Backend computer part: The main role of the backend computer is for data presentation and storage, real-time monitoring, historical data query, over-limit remote alarm, data export in Excel, PDF files and other functions, providing visual graphical output, data analysis.

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    Solar panel and battery: The main role of solar panel and battery part is to provide electric power support to ensure the weather station can work 24 hours a day.

    Agricultural weather stations are widely used in agricultural production, tourism, scientific research, meteorology and other urban environmental monitoring and other professional fields.






Components of agrometeorological stations-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联
XComponents of agrometeorological stations-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联




