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NiuBoL weather stations and agricultural production

时间:2022-06-09 20:34:18 浏览量:553

    Agricultural production is closely connected with climate, and the condition of crop growth and development and the level of yield depend not only on the crops themselves and people's management measures, but are also governed to a large extent by the elements of climate such as light, heat, water and air.

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    In order to achieve high, stable and abundant yields, it is necessary to determine the structure of agricultural production, cropping systems, types and varieties of crops and management measures that are consistent with the climatic conditions. At this point, the role of NiuBoL's agro-weather stations comes to the fore.

    NiuBoL weather station is a multi-factor automatic observation station developed and produced in accordance with the international WMO standards for meteorological observation. It can monitor wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity, air pressure, rainfall, soil temperature and humidity and other conventional meteorological elements, with automatic recording, over-limit alarm and data communication functions.

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    The automatic observatory is composed of three parts: weather sensor, weather data recorder, and weather environment monitoring software. It is widely used in industrial and agricultural production, tourism, scientific research, meteorology and other urban environment monitoring and other professional fields.

    The working principle of the agricultural weather station is to monitor the weather elements of the area in real time through the configured weather sensors, the data monitored by the weather sensors is collected through the collector, and then the monitored data is transmitted to the management platform through wireless transmission, and the user can view the data on the computer side.

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    In modern agricultural production, agricultural weather stations are very popular. These small weather stations can be monitored unattended and can be used in different pairs of terrain and different environments, which greatly expands the scope of weather monitoring and makes the weather monitoring data more accurate and reliable.

    Agricultural meteorological observation capabilities especially in agriculture disaster prevention and mitigation, agricultural response to climate change, food security and other new demands on agricultural meteorological work.






NiuBoL weather stations and agricultural production-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_农业气象站_太阳辐射传感器_自动气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联
XNiuBoL weather stations and agricultural production-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_农业气象站_太阳辐射传感器_自动气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联




