

Agricultural weather stations improve the economic efficiency of agricultural cultivation and accurately predict weather changes

时间:2022-06-11 19:54:34 浏览量:376

    Excessively dry weather can easily cause water deficiency in agricultural seedlings, and heavy rainfall can easily cause seedlings to become too waterlogged and affect their survival rate.

    Therefore, in order to ensure the orderly operation of agricultural production and improve the economic efficiency of agricultural planting, it is necessary to be able to accurately predict weather changes and take timely protective measures. This is the purpose of disaster prevention and mitigation, and it involves the establishment and improvement of regional automatic weather stations.

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    The NiuBoL weather station is a multi-factor automatic observation station developed and produced in accordance with the international WMO standards for weather observation. It can monitor air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, optical rainfall and other conventional meteorological elements, with automatic recording, over-limit alarm and data communication functions.

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    The automatic observatory consists of three parts: meteorological sensor, meteorological data recorder, and meteorological environment monitoring software.

    The agricultural weather station is used for all-weather on-site monitoring of a dozen meteorological elements such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, air temperature, air humidity, light intensity, soil temperature, soil humidity, evaporation, and atmospheric pressure.

    It can be connected with computer through professional supporting data acquisition communication line, and transfer data to meteorological computer meteorological database for statistical analysis and processing.

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    Agricultural weather station is widely used in meteorology, agriculture, etc., to detect what impact meteorological changes have on crops, scientific management of farmland planting, agricultural weather station is a special equipment for the Agricultural Bureau, soil fertilizer stations, colleges and universities, suitable for standard good fields, water-saving irrigation projects.






Agricultural weather stations improve the economic efficiency of agricultural cultivation and accurately predict weather changes-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联
XAgricultural weather stations improve the economic efficiency of agricultural cultivation and accurately predict weather changes-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联




