

Smart small weather station for agriculture

时间:2022-06-09 21:11:29 浏览量:373

Smart small weather station for agriculture

    During agricultural production, many unfavorable climates lead to reduced agricultural production.

    For example, if the ambient temperature or humidity of the crop does not reach, the crop is likely to be stunted and the production will be reduced. If good harvests and production are not obtained, the financial return on this aspect of agricultural production will be drastically reduced, which is not a good thing for agricultural production and planting. This is why crop observation is a particularly important issue.

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    Crop observation is an important part of agricultural meteorological observation. Through the observation of small weather stations, the impact of agrometeorological conditions on crop growth and development, yield formation and quality is identified, and the basis for agricultural weather forecasting, intelligence, and climate evaluation of crops is provided for high-yield, high-quality, and efficient agriculture.

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    Agricultural weather stations are mainly used to accurately determine the wind direction, wind speed, rainfall and other agro-meteorological environmental parameters, so even in bad weather with lightning and thunder, small weather stations are able to keep working. Small weather stations monitor well and meet the requirements of modern agrometeorology services for farmers.

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    Relying on big data and the Internet and other information technology development of digital agriculture, recycling agriculture, intelligent agriculture and other new models of agriculture in the field of agricultural services and trade in a wide range of applications, will further expand the development of agricultural services and trade in space.






Smart small weather station for agriculture-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联
XSmart small weather station for agriculture-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联




