

Agricultural weather station products for field work

时间:2022-06-08 22:33:52 浏览量:357

   Using agricultural weather stations to help crops face bad weather conditions

Agricultural weather station is developed and supplied by NiuBoL, the instrument is widely used in meteorology, agriculture, detecting the impact of weather changes on crops, scientific management of farming, small weather stations are special equipment for agricultural bureaus, science academies, soil fertilizer stations, colleges and universities, suitable for standard good fields, water-saving irrigation projects.

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    Agricultural-type weather stations are used for all-weather on-site monitoring of a dozen meteorological elements such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, air temperature, air humidity, light intensity, soil temperature, soil humidity, evaporation and atmospheric pressure. It can be connected with computer through professional supporting data acquisition communication line, and transfer data to meteorological computer meteorological database for statistical analysis and processing.

    Through the agricultural weather station to do a useful early warning of the harsh environment, timely measures to deal with the impact of the harsh climate environment.

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   Agricultural weather station products are fully automatic, suitable for field work and adaptable to various different installation environments. It can form a mesoscale weather monitoring network, with each automatic weather station acting as a sub-station and transmitting data to the central station. And the parameters can be set and read by flexible mobile APP method, or data can be read by using weather element display terminal.

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    Agricultural weather stations are widely used in meteorology, hydrology, agriculture, industry, environmental protection, tourism, scientific research, and other fields of urban environmental monitoring. It can monitor air temperature, air humidity, wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, rainfall, light intensity, total radiation and other conventional meteorological elements, and can operate fully automatically and normally under unattended and harsh environments around the clock.






Agricultural weather station products for field work-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联
XAgricultural weather station products for field work-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联




