

Agricultural weather station is weather detection system designed for monitoring growing environment of crops

时间:2022-06-11 19:20:01 浏览量:365

Agricultural weather station is aweather detection system designed for monitoring the growing environment of crops.

    In recent years, with the development of smart agriculture, more and more agricultural planting has the figure of agricultural weather station, the main role of agricultural weather station is used to monitor the monitoring of meteorological elements in agricultural planting, through the accurate monitoring of agricultural planting meteorological elements, to provide agricultural planting can be referred to the data support.

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     The small agricultural weather station is a crop weather detection system designed for crop growth environment monitoring and disaster monitoring and early warning.

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     NiuBoL agricultural weather station can collect air temperature, humidity, light intensity, wind speed and direction, rainfall and other agricultural weather parameters in real time, and send the collected data to the background, the user can intuitively realize the forecast and evaluation of the weather through the background, once encountered with self-recognized disasters or bad weather, timely measures to avoid harm, crop protection measures in advance, to reduce disaster losses to The weather station can be used to predict and evaluate weather conditions, so that the crop protection measures can be taken in advance to minimize the damage and ensure stable and high crop yield.

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     Agricultural weather station is developed and supplied by NiuBoL, the instrument is widely used in meteorology, agriculture, forestry, horticulture, animal husbandry, detection of meteorological changes on crops, scientific management of farmland planting, agricultural weather station is a special equipment for agricultural bureaus, scientific research institutes, soil fertilizer stations, colleges and universities, to achieve automatic monitoring of comprehensive ecological information on facility agriculture, automatic control of the environment and intelligent management. It is suitable for standard good land and water-saving irrigation projects.






Agricultural weather station is weather detection system designed for monitoring growing environment of crops-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联
XAgricultural weather station is weather detection system designed for monitoring growing environment of crops-产品资讯-农业传感器_土壤传感器_温湿度传感器_PH传感器_NPK传感器_太阳辐射高温传感器_气象站-NiuBoL-中科智联




